From a small town in East Texas to being the center of an international diplomatic debate, Ambassador James W Brewster's inspiring personal journey is well documented, and one marked with intrigue, revelations and many historical moments that changed the lives of millions.

As an internationally recognized diplomat, C-Suite executive, and human rights activist – Ambassador Brewster is a highly sought-after speaker and one of the most highly regarded thought leaders today.
His dedication and courage to Elevate Tough Conversations, a common thread shared by all of his keynotes and speeches, has impacted nations and societies around the world.
Drawing on his robust political and professional experience, Ambassador Brewster not only offers a wealth of knowledge on some of the most vital issues confronting America and the international community today - but also provides audiences dynamic and powerful tools to challenge traditional thinking in order to break barriers to success in business, politics, and life.
His engaging talks are focused on not only inspiring audiences, but also sharing actionable and innovative strategies to drive meaningful outcomes in all areas of life – including how learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable can create a valuable platform for change, growth, and innovation...both personally and professionally. The Ambassador is available to speak at Company Events, Conferences, and Universities, as well as collaborate with Senior Level Executives, CEO's and Corporate Boards.
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Signature Keynotes

CHALLENGE traditional thinking around personal, corporate, and political philosophies to create innovative and impactful solutions.
RECOGNIZE the critical and timely importance of human rights and its impact on both corporate and governmental levels of global society.
TACKLE fear and doubt head on to achieve the unachievable.
ELEVATE tough conversations with diplomacy and dignity to break down barriers to success and create an effective platform for change.
CULTIVATE a global mindset that is capable of recognizing diverse and transformational opportunities.
IMPLEMENT the most effective approach towards succeeding against even the most challenging of obstacles and situations.
Speaking & Commentator Topics
Having served as a Diplomat, Chief Executive and Corporate Leader, Ambassador Brewster understands how consumerism and cultural dynamics impact international business and development. Through his robust political and professional experiences, Ambassador Brewster has proven to be an innovator and leading expert in the areas of international politics, trade, government relations, business strategy, diplomacy, crisis communication, global retail and product development, consumer evolution, market intelligence, positioning and branding.
The extensive range of topics Ambassador Brewster regularly speaks and commentates on include:
US Foreign Policy, Trade, & Government Relations
Ambassador Brewster's knowledge of NAFTA, CAFTA, HELP and HOPE in addition to Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and trade policy has made the Ambassador a top resource for international companies and leaders of foreign governments.2020 Elections: Importance and Insight
Immigration and Border Security
Geo-Political Issues
Government Corruption
Drug Interdiction
Corporate Culture and Innovative Thinking
Marketing and Brand Strategy
Ambassador Brewster served as an officer and senior executive at General Growth Properties, where he led all investor relations, marketing and branding efforts of the second largest shopping center REIT in the world. In his role, Brewster became recognized as one of the country's top experts in the areas of brand optimization, retail crisis management and increasing shareholder value.Business & Investor Strategy
Consumer Dynamics and Evolution
Crisis Communication and Management
Global Retail and Product Development
Market Intelligence
Diversity and Inclusion
Humanitarian Issues
Global Marginalized Societies
The stateless population of Haitian Descent in the Dominican Republic
Human Trafficking
Gender-Based Violence
Global Expansion and Business Growth
Central America: Business, Trade, and Economy
As an expert in Latin America and the Caribbean business and political communities, he has had a positive and significant impact on trade between the U.S. and countries in the Western Hemisphere.Global Landscape of Equality
Rethinking Global Strategy
Russia and China's Impact on Western Hemisphere
Global Economic Trends
Globalizing the Corporate Mindset